Dressing down is tricky. There’s a very thin line between casual chic and too-stressed-to-even-remotely-look-good. To steer clear of the latter, I would usually suggest avoiding a shirt & jeans combo but I found myself in the mood to romp in a shirt I absolutely adore – one that accurately captures the geek in me. Interestingly enough, this day I also found myself in the offices of You Are What You Wear peering through their many (and I mean many) boxes of eye candy including this charming wooden inspired pair and figured I’d match my exterior to my interior. The result: a full-fledged geek. Good thing the contents of my bag weren’t exposed (but I’ll tell you anyway since you’ve been painstakingly reading through this post – I lug around highlighters and any book of choice. My recent one being Deborah Harkness’ Shadow of Night – if you like witches and creatures grab. a. copy.)
For some reason, between taking outfit shots I realized I looked like 1) a boy and 2) a Korean (or even 3) a Korean boy) with the lack of hair showing, the beret and the new boxy specs so following this realization the beret just had to go – which was good, it was getting pretty hot anyway. In other news, I would call this outfit (at least the jeans) bipolar-weather inspired – clothed enough for the rain and bare enough for the heat thanks to that peek-a-boo part I decided to cut off one day.
I got another pair from shopYAWYW actually – huge circular sunglasses – but I’ll save it for when the weather finally makes up its mind. ‘Til then, expect more confused weather outfits and probably equally confused wearers.
Where in the world did my sunny, beach-reminiscent, mojito-order-inducing summer go?
Shirt, OLD NAVY | Jeans, bazaar | Heels, ALEXANDER WANG | Wooden Glasses, YAWYW.COM
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