Planned on looking a bit ethereal on the first day of #Smart7107 but my skirt fell a little too short to actually be reminiscent of some woodland nymph or at least a look out of a Free People catalog which seems to be what I’m aiming for these days. A few hours in though and it really didn’t matter anymore with the sand basically turning my tidy whites to not-so-tidy not-so-whites (not to be confused with tidy whities – this isn’t an underwear post).
I seem to find myself in places where fist-pumping is not only encouraged but essentially inescapable. Not that I necessarily mind. Options in the Fort or spaces in Makati aren’t frequented on a normal basis so a fist pumping environment is always a welcome change. Day 1 found me really enjoying foreign acts Alvaro and Kaskade (although with a Wrecking Ball remix that was clearly not sung by Miley Cyrus, to me, Alvaro won that round.)
Day 2 was a lot less white and a lot less photographed. Let’s see where and how I can get my hands on a decent outfit photo.