Denim vest, ESPRIT | Snakeskin print dress, ZARA | Crochet clogs, CALL IT SPRING
I have learned to dress down during Fashion Week. Or maybe I’ve learned to dress down period.
Wore this to Oxygen’s show last night and I must say, I really enjoyed the show. I love how they have colors and styles that I would’ve never thought they’d carry – peplums, prints, tangerines – among others, but at the same time the pieces were still very Oxygen (more about that next time). Congratulations to the team! Another awesome show. Also, have I mentioned Oxygen’s one of my sponsors for my upcoming birthday giveaway? Stay tuned for that.
The key in mastering the art of dressing down is keeping one’s outfit interesting to avoid looking sloppy. For instance, in this particular ensemble, the dressed down person made sure that she mixed textures – denim, chiffon, crochet and leather. Another key is noting that the littlest detail matters (especially since the dressed down person does not usually wear heaps and heaps of accessories.) So, like our guinea pig here, one can pop the collar ala Elvis, tape it so the ends overlap, button the topmost button, leave the rest open and show some ‘cleavage’. And that my friends, is the art of dressing down. – sorry was having too much fun talking about myself in a third person pov…aaaaaand imagining myself talking in a wizard-like voice. teehee.