Let’s talk LINE. I’ve only recently downloaded the social media app as I honestly didn’t know: 1) if any of my friends actually used it and 2) if it was apt for non-couples as the only thing I knew about it prior is the commercial with two clingy lovebirds.
Upon download I then learned: 1) Yes, a lot of my friends are apparently on Line and 2) it’s not just for clingy couples but for everyone willing to get addicted (or unwilling but are drawn into its magic spell nonetheless) to the cutesy huge-ass cartoon like versions of emojis called stickers.
I do not know how, but it’s like those stickers seem to cater to my every emotion with every single twitch of my face immortalized in a series of options to choose from. Honestly, smileys can only go so far. They don’t depict as much and should you opt for a “hehe” instead of a “:)” you are guaranteed a non-reply. “hehe” is one of my most despised words. It’s such an insincere sounding faux laughter.
Anyway, my Line addiction now entails downloading sticker sets the moment I see new ones with me using as many stickers as humanly possible in each interaction. It has also amounted to a set of Line paraphernalia like Line pens, fans and now, adorable little Line stuffed toys.
Smart Communications is also a big fan of Line and we both understand that you guys are probably just as addicted to it as we are so we’re giving away lovely dolls just like mine.
All you need to do is:

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