In a desperate attempt to chronicle outfits, I have resorted to 1) repeating looks (and sequined ones at that) and 2) harassing a face even the slightest bit familiar to take my photos. I won’t divulge how many times this outfit has been worn in the past week (definitely more than once) before it was finally taken photos of. Though the setting was not so ideal – rained in at a venue with the yellowest light possible – I’m glad it’s finally time to wear something else and start another cycle of #bloggerproblems.
I have slowly realized that my “outfit shot” predicament is due to 1) the lack of person to hand a camera to and 2) my own lack of camera know-how in the event I actually find a person to shove it to. Last night alone we spent more than 10 minutes trying to figure out which buttons to press to change the aperture. I know. Shoot me. (Pun not intended.) I’m lucky I found a guy who knows more about photography than I could’ve hoped for – turning the knobs and actually knowing what they’re for. (Thank you, Marvin!)
Bumped into him at this quaint little event for Bensimon – a sneaker brand from Paris that finally landed in Manila. The set up was this adorable market with a sit-down dinner and my favorite: retail therapy in the form of [sneaker] shopping. A confession: I have, honestly, never worn a pair of sneakers in my life. I vaguely remember cleaning the house and finding these unused pair of children’s Keds – probably the only pair I ever owned prior to last night. Even during the peak of Converse (and consequently, Greenhills’ tiangge), I never felt an urge to get myself a pair. Peer pressure just isn’t as strong if not from Regina George. My feet are, for lack of a better term, errrm, sneaker virgins.
And at the risk of sounding like a ditz, I have to say: Wow, sneakers are comfortable. Not sure if this is true for all brands but I’m really liking my new pair of Bennies. Still trying to mentally calculate a la Clueless which wardrobe pieces would go with them. But I am determined to wear them out.
And if I’m miraculously evangelized – heels banned from my vocabulary – you’ll have quite a selection at the next BU. But let’s not make such drastic forecasts just yet.
Tank, NEON ISLAND | Sequin jacket, H&M | Shorts, COTTON ON | Heels, ALDO | Headband, DIY
ph by Marvin Conanan