A good friend of mine from college got married last week and I kind of cried. Ferdie’s the first from our group to get married and we’re all just really happy for him. But before we (I mean I) get cheesy, I’ll steer you in the sartorial direction and share what I wore to the event. This dress was a last minute change as the dress I was supposed to wear wouldn’t close. (Debunking blogger myth #5,467 that all us bloggers are a size 2. My dress has proven otherwise.) I ended up wearing my Teena Sabrina dress, a favorite of mine since I wore it in Vietnam last May. I’ll probably try to steer clear of black and all things backless for the next nuptial but I kind of like how this debuted minus the hiding from the priest part.
Catholic weddings are pretty rigid when it comes to the romance element but it was full of love nonetheless. So happy to have witnessed this with amazing people. Cheers to Ferdie and Sasa!