A good lace dress can take you places. A sheer lace dress might get you stares in all kinds of places- geographical not bodily-but either way, at least you know you look good. Or feel good which is close enough.
I kind of felt like I was straight out of a Free People catalogue-the dress is from Free People after all-before the expert stylist’s arrival with his/her many accoutrements though I didn’t mind going out without. This floral fringe kimono I got from Jennyfer, a Parisian brand now in Manila, is a pretty powerful accessory enough and these lenses that render me bug-eyed even moreso. I love bohemian elements especially now that the 70s trend has come full swing. It’s back with a vengeance and my wardrobe has been eagerly awaiting its return.
Hopefully next time my photos would look straight out of the FP catalogue too. A girl can dream. Speaking of photos though-
Here’s a pro-blogger tip: if you’re taking shots in public places (which I do about 83% of the time) and security guards start asking you for photography permits, the two best answers to get them off your case are 1) it’s personal-just for your Facebook profile picture or 2) if your look allows, it’s for school. If those don’t work, next time try not to lug a huge, attention-grabbing DSLR. It looks professional even if shots are taken just for Instagram.
Better yet, if it’s just for Instagram, use your phone. I’m willing to bet you have at least 2 photo-editing apps up your sleeve-errr-(touch)screen.
Dress, FREE PEOPLE | Kimono and sunglasses, JENNYFER