If you haven’t already figured, I have no sport. I mean, I did try to develop skills throughout my formative years taking lessons in swimming, Taekwondo, ballet and golf. My swimming coach threw me in the water so often I developed a different skill altogether – commanding a “fever” high enough for me to skip the class every single time. My white belt never changed color, my tutu never saw a recital and while I thoroughly enjoyed golf ranges, after a few months, I just stopped.
My lack of athleticism was carried all through high school with Volleyball being my biggest frustration. I wish I was good at it, really. It wasn’t for lack of trying either. I even took it for P.E. in college. I guess my wrists were wimps and could just never spike or serve the way I wanted to. I would often counter to anyone bold enough to point out my deficiency in the sports department, that cheerleading was, in fact, a sport but even then, though I danced all of high school and in college (street, actually), I was never flexible. I can’t do cartwheels (anymore), back flips (ever), nor splits (again, ever). But I loved dance. I’ve been recently thrown into weird physical activities (like Badminton), with consent, that again prove I’m no athlete. I may have nimble, graceful limbs but they are also apparently weak ones.
One activity I did enjoy recently was going biking. Even if it was short, it was nice being able to look back on my childhood remembering biking in our old village in Troy and again in Manila. Also, I had first-time bikers with me so it felt a little rewarding being better at a sport.
If you’re in the PI and want to do some biking for fun, head over to Nuvali and put your pedaling to the test. If you own your own pair of wheels, good for you. Stick to the bike lane – any bike lane- and you’ll be fine.
Seriously though, it was fun. The lack of a coach also meant I could take breaks whenever I wanted and how often I wanted. I even got to do quick Instagram posts in between: my ideal biking scenario. Shoutout to Smart for offering up to 30MB worth of FREE internet data daily for Prepaid subscribers who avail of existing call and text promos. Full disclosure: I may have even watched a YouTube video or two during my bike break. That is what I call recreation.
Come to think of it, next time I’m dragged to a badminton game – one that I’m bound to lose as I don’t run and get extremely annoyed when my partner is bossy – I should probably just excuse myself and watch videos and Instagram (for free!) on the benches. Unless it’s dance. Then I’ll only Instagram during water breaks.
Dress, YAY Designs | Sunglasses, SUNNIES STUDIOS
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