Rare sightings of amazing kimonos are like actual sightings of rare pokemon, you spend all the ultra balls (and maybe even your only master ball) to try to catch ’em. (and yes, I hope you could relate to the reference. Don’t disappoint me, internet.)
Interestingly, there is an abundance of kimonos – fringed and not – but only about 5% are worth the purchase. I chanced upon this kimono online while browsing H&M’s site and had it shipped to me and I’ve been lugging it around ever since.
I’m turning a year older in a week and I’ve decided not to think of my style in terms of labels or certain parameters but just wear whatever it is I’m drawn to and like. This look just happens to be on the boho side of the spectrum especially with these new sandals from Tres that I absolutely love. High ankle straps usually make my legs seem shorter but the straps are just thin enough to negate that. I also saw a random Balinese (or is it Thai? Cambodian?) inspired spot to shoot in that seemed perfect for this look. Everything kind of falls into place for one’s birthday, no?
I cannot wait.
Dress, FOREVER21 | Kimono, H&M | Sandals, TRES SHOES | Sunglasses, JENNYFER