


Couldn’t resist the urge to put a white top over what would’ve been a good standalone dress. Fashion whims. I blame the changing temp for my changing moods.

Had it been any darker and had a mirror been present I probably could’ve scared myself – children’s horror stories (e.g., the White Lady) have, unfortunately, not been buried along with the other select things I have chosen to forget. A perfect example of when my selective memory fails. In broad daylight though, I absolutely love both pieces – both separate and together. The top an iridescent white that glitters with just the right amount of sun exposure and the Giordano dress – albeit of the high-low variety – didn’t bring up my usual mullet aversion. I especially like that the back fabric is silk – rendering a more nightgown feel to it than something hyper-trendy. Also, the angle’s degree isn’t that steep (as opposed to the usual mid thigh to ankle angles)- so that really helps. (Or maybe i’m trying to justify a purchase. It’s working.)

Took about twenty shots of my new favorite pair of shoes but decided not to include close-ups last minute. I think it deserves a more glorious write-up somehow.

Also, I feel inclined to mention a certain event coming your way next Saturday – Giordano is opening a new Concepts store in Shopesville Greenhills and is inviting you to join in on the fun. Been wearing some of their new pieces lately and actually really liking them (e.g., the above white dress). I wouldn’t be able to make it but I’d love to have you party in my stead. Have copious amounts of fun!


Also, seeing pretty terrible pictures of the floods back in Manila. Stay safe and dry, everybody!