I’m currently watching I Am Cait (don’t judge) in the comforts of my Manila home and I’m terribly missing my Michigan abode. Why do we always have to dream about a place we’re not at? Cue cliche quotes like the grass is greener on the other side or in Sebastian the singing crab’s terms, “the seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake,” which I could take quite literally because I live on a lake back home. Seriously, like 10 steps away from the water.
Anyway, Michigan posts are only coming up now because my blog was hacked (I know, I know, cyber assholes are on the loose) and am only starting to feel comfortable again to blog. So let me post a rather chill, nonchalant, stress-free bohemian look, sprawled albeit clumsily and unladylike on the couch as a new entrant of sorts to the interwebz. It feels like when you get your heart broken and you sheepishly and cautiously start treading the waters again for the first time but minus the help of alcohol. I am resigned to the life on the WWW though and am slowly braving my way back – despite cyber bullies and kids who have too much down time.
Speaking of down time, I’m up to my ears with tasks right now (both a gift and a millennial’s curse) and am currently thinking of things to do to keep my upcoming long weekend productive and eventful. If you have any ideas, let me know. If we’re talking shopping, I do have a suggestion. Skechers is on sale until the end of August so if you need new sneaks or denims (see: my jeans), you know where to go. Travel-wise, take a trip. That is always a good idea.
Sebastian may not have been accurate about the whole greener seaweed concept, but I’m pretty sure it’s highly Instagrammable in another person’s lake. Go for the #Insta?