Top, thrifted | Shorts, SM GTW | Heels, R2 | Bag, COACH | Stayput ponytail, GOODY
Hello, Manila, I’m home. Would’ve played games and made you guess where I’m at but I’m sure that santan bush in the background completely gives my location away. Shrubs are no fun sometimes. Spent a fun night with my good friend Dan getting kicked out of Starbucks (they close early, don’t get any ideas) and driving around to finish oily snacks we only really bought to continue what fun conversations we were having. That’s an assumption but I’d like to think I make a good conversationalist (as my friend he’s obliged to agree). I also think it’s quite fitting I wore a thrifted top on a night I realized twister fries are really all it takes to get me ecstatic. Luckily, I was wearing a loose top to cover all the added centimeters from that night. My penchant for loose tops certainly has its benefits.
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