Still on a denim spree. Surprisingly, I have not missed the usual sighting of my legs just yet. In fact, I’ve been enjoying being all wrapped up – so much so that I paired a sweater with my jeans covering almost everything except for my head and extremities.
Realized a couple things thanks to this outfit. 1) Never again will I wear such heels where any sort of foot movement is required. I mean they’re beautiful, yes. But imagine walking on rocky parking lots and uneven roads in them. I think I now know where my creeping fear of heights is coming from. All for the love of the blog. Sigh. I was actually very grateful for my jeans, already calculating the cushion it would provide should I fall. 2) Jeans can totally double as kneepads in hazardous heel height situations. And while this realization seems mundane and totally useless, as a person who has been planning on going roller skating, this information translates to un-scraped knees and is therefore worth a treasure in my low-pain-tolerant eyes.
Also, I wanted to showcase how jeans could be made glam. Let’s manage expectations a little – I am really not one to wear heaps of accessories, so me saying that I ‘glam up’ the look does not translate to bib necklaces lest you happen to find yourself looking for one. #justsaying. I opted for a sweater with a silver sheen, a bedazzled headband (my current favorite) and Cinderella glass slippers – the child in me still prefers to associate myself with a Disney princess. And like Cinderella, whose glass slippers brought certain predicaments – being locked in the attic, etc., etc., – I too, was in some sort of rut not knowing how to get from point A to B. Still, I love how all the silver mashed so well with my dark wash denims from Oxygen (of course). I’ve been slightly obsessed with folded hems and cropped jeans but I couldn’t get my hands on a perfect pair just yet. So a simple tip is to fold it yourself – you control the thickness of the fold and the height of the crop. Perfect.
But I leave you with a warning: do not forget to unfold your skinnies before you pull them off. Your 5 minute morning ritual where you wiggle, shake and jump just to get in your skinnies will seem easy compared to getting your stuck jeans off your ankles. Trust me, I know.
Sweater, H&M | Jeans, OXYGEN | Headband, FOREVER21
ph by Mike Gella
Join in on the denim fun and head to any nearest SM Department Store or fave jean brand of choice. Prices have been slashed so #GetYourJeansOn. Follow @smsupermalls for more sale details.
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