The New Year usually rings in a brand new personality and I wanted to match it with a brand-spanking new chop. Although my haircut wasn’t necessarily driven by metaphorical associations like chopping off the bad along with inches of my dry hair, I feel like it’s a good fresh start.
So with a new cut and a fresh outlook I bring you a fresh outfit story featuring this top from Pink Manila. It was gifted to me very recently and it’s one of the many cute pieces you can snag at their store filled with, in my opinion, more affordable versions of the current trends in the market with prices jacked up at other retailers. The top is incredibly flattering with two buttons undone but it’s also equally chic to have it buttoned all the way up especially since my thighs are basically exposed.
I realized I made resolutions but none of them are fashion-relevant so I would like to come up with wardrobe reminders for the remaining 362 days of 2015. Here they go:
1. Be open to items, looks, colors and silhouettes I would’ve otherwise shunned. I think at a certain point we come to define our personal style and are unknowingly boxed by our own set parameters that we only move within the variants, brands and pieces we think are fitting. My style heroes are those who always come up with the unexpected so it’s time to try surprising myself as well.
2. Stop impulse buying. I think this is a tall order that’s been a resolution from time immemorial. Every time I impulse buy and shop too much I declare (audibly to an audience, mind you) that I will henceforth stop shopping the following year. And yet, I do. My willpower is questionable, really. But, at the very least, I would like to spend at least a couple days thinking about a piece and try not to walk into a store not really looking for anything and end up buying the first cute piece I see.
3. Purchase from local brands more. I know there are amazing local brands in retail and I really do my best to shop at those but sometimes, admittedly, it really is just cheaper to scour the likes of Forever 21. I know some people behind the brands and how hard they work, their hardships and their passion and I think I’d rather help fuel that than conglomerates who employ child labor. (Resolution 3.b is to be more conscious of which brands are actually enforcing terrible working conditions and forced labor and to stop supporting those brands.) On a different note, I would also like to introduce a new category in the blog that will feature my interviews and write-ups on certain brands and individuals so that you can also get to know them a bit more.
4. Veer away from low-quality pieces that will look cute for a season and end up torn, tattered and sartorially useless the next. There are brands that really don’t think of quality and an uneven seam is just something I can no longer stand. I’d rather pay for basics that actually last more than a few rounds of being in the dryer.
5. Try to put a little more effort in dressing up. I kid you not when I tell you I have throw on dresses that I literally wear over and over mindlessly. This year, I do want to try to put more effort into looking like I tried. No more Birks for events, I guess.
Do you have sartorial resolutions? Share them with me. I might have to add more although taking mental note of resolutions is kind of difficult, no? But hey, it’s still January and I’m still all about change.
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