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Taking outfit shots in front of a bookstore, my haven, seems to make sense. Maybe not for the passersby though, nor for those who were trying to park but couldn’t coz I was greedily occupying spots. I spend hours (and even more money) in them, the least they could do is indulge my outfit shot needs.

I had to take the opportunity to snap photos despite the many weirded out onlookers – this was the ONLY day I wasn’t all bundled up like an eskimo. The snow and I don’t really do well together. And since I refused to be reduced (entirely) to the Michigan way – sweatshirts and sweatpants – I brought flimsy pieces like this maxi skirt and forced myself to wear them – only half-a-Michigan-girl in my sweatshirt.

If you follow me on Twitter (and I hope you do, @alyssalapid), you’re probably vaguely familiar with the details of my Christmas trip and I’m most likely confusing you a bit by starting off with an MI post. Do expect an LA photo diary soon.

Anyway, I’m glad to be back, sans the cold, happily (and heavily) typing away on my laptop, drafting outfit posts for you guys.

Yes. This is just perfect.

Hoodie, H&M | Skirt, Cambodia | Boots, ALDO | Purse, MARGIELA FOR H&M | Sunglasses, RAY-BAN