Here’s a pic of me with my lover, Rocky! She makes the awesome crochet accessories I’m usually wearing. haha love this girl to bits. <3
Me with the beautiful Girls of Nima Potch and Nico. Can’t wait for the pics from our shoot to be released! 🙂
Rocky, Flor, Dan and myself
and me with the gorgeous girl who took my pictures, Pat 🙂 Thank you so much, love for taking my pics <3 Love you!! 🙂
And here are some pictures of my outfit courtesy of and Female Network. You can click on the links to check out the outfits of other attendees. 🙂
Dress, H&M; Platforms, Soule Phenomenon; Bag, China; Belt, Forever21
Oh, my post title is such because my awesome girlfriend Rocky (Love you,babe!), tagged me in a note with this message:
A Tribute to Awesome Girlfriends
us ladies need our girlfriends. one thing ive realized is that girlfriends, the real ones, are the ones who hold your hand through absolutely everything. theyll be more excited than you are when you succeed, and will get drunk with you when you fail. They can tell you if youre doing something right, and if not, find a dumb relatable way to tell you :you’re being a byatch. They are your sisters, your form of relief from stressful times, and the ones who keep you in check. Boyfriend, no boyfriend, every girl needs her girlfriends:)
What do you think? I super love the note and I super love this girl. I know the title has no connection whatsoever to my post’s content (hello, Grad show outfit!), but I think it’s still fitting since I’d like to dedicate the message to the people in the above pics (and to the other girlfriends I love. You know who you are. <3)
Anyway, I’m gonna go ahead and celebrate with other awesome girlfriends and best friends. <3 posts again soon. <3
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